Shine, Brave One. But Not On Your Own.

22 12 2009

Sometimes we’re asked to do some very brave things, things that we would never choose to do on our own but because of circumstances we are called to step out of our comfort zone for a greater good.

Have you been in a situation, perhaps recently, where your capacity for coping has been stretched to the max?  We reach a point where we collapse and ask God how we can possibly have the strength to continue.  What is the point of this trial, this suffering?  Why can’t things be easier, why must this time or situation or problem be so extremely difficult?  Whether its troubled teenagers, a hospitalized spouse, financial uncertainty, a strained marriage, or depression -life can be overwhelming.

Ladies, I cannot help thinking of Mary.   She graciously accepted one of the most challenging things ever asked of a woman.  Then again, the peace of God must have rested in her heart as she moved forward with the responsibility of being the mother of God’s son.  Despite the ridicule and shame of being an unwed mother, I imagine that she had a quiet confidence as she carried Jesus in her womb.  With her belly swelling in the passing months, perhaps she had unshakable faith that ,as part of God’s will, everything would be fine in the end.  Personally I would have been rather freaked out knowing that I was responsible for God’s son.  But Mary, I think she was made of firmer stuff, even at such a young age.

The lesson I take away from how Mary responded to God’s request of her, being the mother of Jesus, is that I need to have faith that these brave things we are called to go through are ones we are not meant to face as Lone Rangers.  We are not left alone and abandoned -not by God- when Goliaths or floods or affliction or challenges come.  I know Mary did lots of leaning during her time as a mother, leaning on God’s promises and his character.  She realized that, especially as a parent, she had her responsibility and God had his -and unlike how I often act- she wasn’t going to try to take over God’s job or tell him how he ought to be doing things.  She just trusted.

Mary was brave, not just when she carried the Son of God as an unwed mother, but all through raising him and on through his brutal crucifixion.  Hers was a life of faith.  She was constantly called to be brave, to trust God’s plan, to hold on to his promises when she saw her baby ridiculed, hated and mocked -even tortured.  Her reward?  Seeing her son raised from the dead, resplendent in glory, and receiving the gift of eternal life.

I want to be like Mary.  A woman who shines through adversity, one who trusts and leans on God during heartbreaking and patience-exhausting times.  God knew that Mary could handle this awesome task -but not alone.  He stuck by her even more than she stuck by him.  Can’t you just imagine Mary leaning into God, asking, “How can I do this?”  Wrapping love around her, he tells her to rest.  He’ll give her the strength, he says.

He tells the same thing to each of us.  In this heartbreaking or exhausting time, my dear sisters, you are called to be brave, but -more importantly- you are called to rest and be refilled.  May God shine through you during this time as you release your worries, your need for control, and most importantly  your fear as you let God be God and you his daughter.

Merry Christmas, all of you  Uncommon Women.

With Much Love,


Prayer Request -Continually updated

15 12 2009

I just received a phone call from one of our Uncommon Women, Kelly Vidovic, who requested our prayers on behalf of her friend’s daughter.  She was hit in the head with a golf club and suffered a skull fracture, currently at the hospital in critical condition.  We ask that you lift up her precious little life and the hearts of her family members right now.  Please take a moment to pray right now and keep this family in your hearts in the weeks ahead.

Jesus instructed us to lift each other up in prayer; Paul tells us to pray without ceasing.  Let’s do so, ladies.

Thank you,


Update as of last night:

Thank you for your prayers for my friend’s niece. I may have said “daughter” in my state.  They have brought her to Dell Children’s Hospital and she is in surgery as we speak. I will keep everyone updated. Her name is Bailey. She has a depressed fracture on the left side of her head and there is an air pocket on the ct scan. Doctor is worried about bringing on infection. She has a bone fragment missing and an open gash that the doctor said they would either have to put a plate in or use a screw to  close.  I am so grateful to have you and such a wonderful network of Christian woman praying for this child and her family.

Update as of this morning:

3:30am update: our Bailey girl is out of surgery! Doc is very optimistic that it is clean & repaired well. If you would like to pray specifically, please pray that she will remain infection free during the next 24hrs, the most critical time. Glen will be staying w/her 24/7 & sis in law will be coming & going. If all goes well Bailey will come home Thurs. Your prayers were heard & are still coveted by our family.

He Is With You

12 12 2009

Shonda Taylor shared this beautiful and inspirational video with me and I just had to put it up for each of you to be touched by.  Mandisa, a stunning woman of God and gifted singer, shares from her heart the rock-solid truth that NO MATTER WHAT is going on in your life, no matter what you are facing, God is with you through all of it.  Her message is real, not sugar-coated, and will speak directly and honestly to your heart.  Thank you, Shonda, for sharing.

He Is With You

Christmas Social: December monthly meeting

6 12 2009

Uncommon Women is about relationships. In this season of love we are making our monthly meeting a time of pure social joy!  Connect with other women, share about yourself and your passions, get inspired by other women’s lives!

Please bring a nibble or beverage to share, as well as your business or calling cards. It’s an excellent idea for any woman to have a card with basic contact info in order to connect quickly and easily with others!  That way you’re never scrounging for a spare piece of paper or receipt to scribble down your phone number or email address on when you make a new friend.  If you have a business and want to offer any specials or have some advertisements to hand out we will have an area for you to display them (though think small, we’ll all share one table.)

This is a time to connect, enjoy the season and unwind.  Come and get filled up, make new friends, and cultivate old relationships!

Meetings are held at my home in Georgetown, TX.  Please email or call for the address.  Thank you!

Kelly Cameron (512) 639-6908

Let’s not do that again

4 12 2009

So what happened last night?  As mortified as I was about missing the Girls Night Out I coordinated for Uncommon Women, I am thankful for the lesson yesterday brought me.  Priorities, limitations, boundaries, and taking care of myself and my family -things I have been trying to balance while so many endeavors are taking off, and as I prepare for my little girl arriving at the end of January.  I would like to share from my personal blog what happened last night and what I learned -am learning.

Let’s not do that again, Dec. 4th

Girls Night Out! Thurs. Dec. 3rd: “The Pioneer Woman Cooks”

1 12 2009

Alright, Cowgirls! Tie on a red bandana and join us at Book People in Austin at 7pm this Thursday! We’ll meet up there at 7pm and plan on grabbing a cup of hot cocoa afterward.

Why come?  Besides it being a great excuse for a night out, Ree Drummond, The Pioneer Woman, will have you in stitches and her cookbook will help you (re)claim your title as Queen of the Kitchen!  Check out Ree’s incredible website to get a taste of her hilarious, heartfelt and helpful world.

Have questions or want to coordinate?  Call or email!

(512) 639-6908