
Get Inspired!  Interviews, Articles, Advice & More!

Get Inspired! Interviews, Articles, Advice & More!

Read some get-up-and-go stories and ideas from other Uncommon Women like yourself!


My Heart for Charming Me? Charming?!  It took three different etiquette courses throughout my life to discover my passion for helping women and girls blossom into the beautiful ladies God created them to be.  Read and laugh along with me.

Balancing Priorities: Don’t let The Tyranny of The Urgent run your life!  Identify what your values are and learn to order your life around what is truly important.  We all need this, so click, read and change your life!

Uncommon Interview:  Dian VerColen & Amy Bissonett: Two small business owners share how their dreams became realities and helpful tips they’ve learned along the way.  Very inspiring stories!

Influence: Who and what we surround ourselves with directly influences our attitudes and goals.  Learn three helpful habits to keep yourself moving forward in a positive and productive direction!

Jen Hoover, on leftUncommon Interview:  Jen Hoover. UW’s wonderful interview with the fabulous stylist and salon owner, Jen Hoover.  Read all about her passion for people, secrets of her success and get some fabulous beauty tips!