New Years Note from Author Mary Byers

12 01 2010

Happy New Year! I love January because it offers a fresh start. With memories of the holiday behind us, we can look ahead to the promise of a new year.

And this year does, in fact, hold promise. What’s ahead for you? More of the same? Or is there a hope or dream or goal you’d like to pursue?

When I was 25, I was in a seminar when the facilitator asked, “What’s the one thing you would do if you knew you would not fail?” She asked to write our answers down without censoring them. I wrote, “Write a book.”

It took me over a decade to find the time and figure out how to make that dream come true. But I can tell you, it was worth the wait.

What’s on your heart? What are your hopes for this year? The very best thing about life in this country is that we truly do have the power to write our own story and influence the ending. So what’s holding you back? It’s worth taking the time to honestly answer that question and then to figure out what you can do about it.

What’s the one thing you would do if you knew you would not fail? Don’t censor your answer. Write it down. And make it happen.

All the best,

Mary Byers